“We have more money than we know what to do with…”
…said no school district, city, or county ever.
All the more reason to start exploring Reverse Auctions. Let’s get to it.
Here are the top four items your organization can reverse auction immediately.
Managed Print
Bail out of those standard copier contracts that keep you trapped in a nightmare cycle of leases and ink. Dive into a world of tailored solutions, proactive support, and significant savings with Managed Print. Ready to save 35% on your print costs? Let's redefine your print strategy. Contact us. We’re the best at this, and our customers literally have the best pricing per image of anyone in Mississippi. Anyone. Call us today.
Technology and Furnishings Purchases/Leases
Whether you’re leasing or purchasing, Southern Procurement ensures you the very best deal and cutting-edge solutions for technology, furnishings, and tech services. Let's discuss. We’ve achieved the best pricing in the nation on all of the top brands of Chromebooks, Interactive Flat Panels, Desktop and Laptop Computers, and anything else that goes beep. The vendors won’t love it, but you will. Call us.
Heavy Equipment
From bulldozers to garbage trucks and cranes to backhoes, reverse auctions can significantly stretch your budget. Beware of equipment sales engineers crafting specifications that sideline competitors, allowing them to dictate prices. The efficacy of heavy equipment reverse auctions is evident – if they weren't impactful, why would major heavy equipment firms invest so heavily in lobbying against them? Call us to find out more.
Janitorial Contracts
Redefine your approach to janitorial services with Southern Procurement. Our contracts guarantee quality, consistency, and unmatched value. Looking for a fresh take on facility maintenance? We achieve an average savings of 15%—even with your current vendor. Truly. Connect with us today.